Sunday, April 27, 2014

Touring in the U.K with my dad was amazing!

Peace and Blessings!

I know it's been quite some time since we've spoke, and boy do I have so much to tell you! But before we get into it, if you haven't already done so go to my FB page and make sure we are connected as I post updates regularly there! I've been meeting so many fascinating people and built some strong business relationships there and I don't want you to miss out so let's connect now by clicking here.

Where do I begin? 2014 is different for me. I made up my mind to become 100% non-negotiable with achieving my goals. I made up my mind that this is the year to take my mission, my purpose, my calling, my ideas, and my path to the next level Bi'ithmillah even if it meant facing my fears head on!

It seems as if this renewed spirit, heart, and mind catapulted me into a new dimension. My determination has went through the roof, Mashallah and opportunities all around unlocked simultaneously. It's unbelievable. I owe it all to Allah. It wasn't until I made the decision to really get deep into the Quran, although I still have a long way to go, that openings are pushing forward which would have otherwise remained closed. Please, I beg you, dedicate at least 20 mins daily to studying your Quran, even if you cannot do it everyday. It is a jewel, a treasure, and the key to everything you're searching for. I don't know who I'm talking to tonight but someone needed to hear this.

My dad: "Hujrah, did a brother from U.K. contact you"? "Yes". "Did he tell you he wants to invite you and I along with Yasmin Mogahed, Nouman Ali Khan, and Suhaib Webb for a 3 city tour to empower the youth"? "Yes, he told me". "Hujrah, I'm proud of you baby, I used to be Imam Siraj Wahhaj, now I'm just Hujrah's dad.  Everywhere I go they love you baby". "Lol, dad that's why you're so awesome, I wish more men could be like you, but it's not me, it's Allah doing it and you made the shoes to fill extremely huge, blame yourself."  Lol.
What a humbling experience. I am honored to have been requested to join our beloved scholars for the common goal of saving and empowering our youth. I will be sure to keep you posted of the logistics once its solidified.
Three weeks later I get a text from my stepmom asking if I wanted to join her on an all expense paid trip to the U.K. in which we would be able to join my dad partially on his 10 city tour! Man, was I blown away. Allah works fast once you decide to get out of your own way!
My visit to the U.K.was amazing. The people there were so warm and inviting. They smiled, waved and smiled some more. We networked, joined Imam Siraj partially in his 10 city tour with Basheer Jones, Na'eem Raaza and Baraka Blue, had lunch at Shaykh Ibrahim Osi-Efa's Felicity Institute where we were served the drink of The Prophet (swa), attended a traditional Somalian wedding where me and my stepmom, Jamilah Wahhaj were initiated as official Somalians, (Subhanallah they shut the Banquet Hall Down) and I filmed a taping of The Hujrah Wahhaj Show U.K. Edition. What an unforgettable trip it was. I surely am looking forward to my next visit! 
Attached are just some of the pictures from my visit, be sure to visit my FB page to view them all. Enjoy!
P.S. I leave you with this:
 An Eagle builds her nest in high places such as mountain tops and peaks so that her eaglets come into this world with a high mentality. When the eggs hatch she finds food and protects them for some time. One day the Eagle starts stirring up the nest, destroying the very essence of her eaglets peace. Naturally the eaglets first reaction is to try to sit back in their familiar places only to find the protrusions that once protected them in the nest now burdening them. She then charges the sky flying as high as she can with her eaglet in tow and releases it in mid air. Naturally the eaglet can't fly and just as its about to reach the bottom the Eagle swoops down and catches it. She repeats this over and over until the eaglet realizes it needs to fly. Finally, the Eagle does this one last time but instead of swooping down to catch her eaglet she turns in the opposite direction and flies away. Is God stirring up your "nest"? Are you permanently residing in a state of mind, circumstance or place that was only meant to make you grow into someone bigger and better? Just like gifts are wrapped in wrapping paper, sometimes God's upgrades are wrapped in trials, shock, and discomfort. Fly, it's time to move on. At least flap a wing before God turns the opposite way because you're too afraid to put your trust in Him.

With Love and Light,
Your Sister in Prosperity and Possibility,

Hujrah Wahhaj
Personal and Relationship Development Coach,
Motivational speaker, T.v. Host, Author