Thursday, March 8, 2012

Save Any Relationship!! Wow, This Really Works!

Good Morning My Beloveds,

Wow, I just finished one of the most inspirational conference calls and I believe some of the information I am about to share with you will help you in your relationships if you apply them and be diligent in seeking your preferred results.

The following ideologies belong to Life Coach Tony Robbins. I cannot take credit for his work rather I am sharing it with you because, what's the point of gaining knowledge that will move you up your ladder of success, if other's are not moving with you?


Nothing in life has a meaning accept the meaning you give it. You are producing your results in life because of the meaning you attached it.

Let's take 2 rape victims. One could have been so devestated that it stopped her from doing anything. She may see the world as dark, filled with untrustworthy people and so she will carry herself throughout her life producing results that support her belief system.

The second victim may accept that the horrifiic crime had to happen to her in order for her to take on a role as an advocate for victimes. She uses her tragedy as a means to free burdened souls and stop it from happening to others. She lives her life believing she is here to help and produces results that support her belief system.

We clearly can see in both cases that the difference is the choice. You must decide what meaning you will give to the events and relationships in your life.

Look at your marriage. What meaning are you giving it? Do you feel like your mate does not get you? Does not respect you? Does not respect him/herself? Believe it or not, whatever meaning you are attaching to your relationship, that is what is showing up and will continue to show up.

You can be on a verge of divorce today, but if you roll up your sleeves and commit to doing some things a little different than maybe, and Allah knows best, maybe you will produce different results. What do you have to lose?

What meaning are you giving your marriage right now, not when you first wedded, but now. Is it for financial support, fear of being alone,or are you married to the love of your life who you want to be in Paradise with? Be honest with yourself. Allah already knows the answer. If you want to change it for the better, the first step is honesty. You must know where you are on a map in order to get to your destination.

After you determine the meaning you attached to your marriage, ask yourself which of the four personality types fit your spouse. Knowledge is power. What if I told you I can give you a sure way to make your spouse happy, fulfilled, and excited about life, therefore changing your relationship into a more positive one? Well, only Allah can do that. But Tony Robbins' Four personality types, gives you insight to who your mate is and how you can instantly change his emotional state, causing you to have a better quality of life with him. Remember, when you give your mate what they value the most your reationship will change! More at Good Luck! Let me know how it goes :)

Four personality types:
1) Shark- Money oriented, independent, extremely focused, and goal oriented. They usually are sharp dressers and very classy. They're about the bottom line. They are going to get the job done because they are natural born leaders. Their negative traits are: they can be controlling, egotistical, demanding, self centered, and inpatient. When apporaching a shark, speak the language they speak. If your spouse has this personality type suggest projects that will allow him/her to be in their element and watch them become alive. They will than associate you as the person they can become alive with and they will seek after more of your attention and company.

2) Dolphin- Fun, like to connect to people, like to be the center of attention, like gatherings and entertaining people. They are bout connecting to as many people as possible and tend to dress in lots of colors. Their negative traits are: they are very unorganized and not timely (Almost always late). When approaching your dolphin be sure to involve her in projects where she can connect with people and have a great time. Let her be in charge of networking, guest lists, hosting, etc. Don't keep dolphins in the house or away from people, it will devestate her. Remember it's all about fun and people for her. Your spouse will think you are the most fun, amazing person in the world because you continously set up an environment conducive to her true nature.

3) Urchent- Facts, facts, facts. Information is most important to them. Extremely detailed oriented and must have structure. They will correct you if a word is misplaced or something is out of order. Their negative trait is that they have absolutely no patience with people who are not on time and who don't value structure and organization.

4) Whale- All about helping. Very selfless people. They want to save the world. They care about the welfare of everyone. Ghandi, Nelson Mendaela, etc. I'm sure they have negative traits but none was mentioned on the call. Who wouldn't want a whale on their team? :)

While most of us can have a combination of any four prsonlity types, usually one is higher than the others. I'm 100% a Whale and dolphin.

What do you do with this information regarding your spouse? Now, you instantly know how to change your mate's emotional state. Start directing, helping, launching projects that will get your spouse moving into massive action. Don't approach a shark with information that will allow him to have fun, he doesn't want to hear it. Rather, talk about how much money he will make. Don't approach a whale with a million dollar deal to get him on your team, he doesn't want to hear it. Rather highlight how it will save lives and make changes in the world.

More on personalities:

Six driving needs

1) Certainty- Very orderly, don't like suprises. Driven by structure.
2) uncertainty- Spontaneous, bungee jumpers, needs variety.
3) Significance- Needs to feel important and special. (most humans have this)
4) Love and connection to people- Needs to be connected with others. All about the relationships.
5) Growth-Always need to develop themselves. Everything is about self improving.
6) Contribution-Wants to contribute, wants to save the world and help others.

Most marriages fail when spouses stop giving their mates what they value the most. Speak the language of your spouse and I promise you your relationship will change.

Until we speak again... Happy blogging. Stay tuned for more of me, with you :) For more inspiring articles that will add value and quality to your life visit Your Personal Relationship Development Coach.

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